

IPPE 2025: “A Landmark Success for the Global Poultry & Animal Food Industry in Atlanta”

Technical presentations explored innovative solutions such as machine learning applications in chicken performance data and technology-driven customer support.

egg export

Poultry Egg: Top five high egg production states

Eggs have transcended from mere dietary choices to an indispensable staple in every household. It can be asserted that eggs now grace the...

Live Stock News

Chicken prices fall as supply outstrips demand

Chicken prices crash as supply more than demand

Pic is representative

Govt keen to strengthen export of egg powder

Egg powder export and related issues in India


Govt urged to reduce import duty on non-GMO maize

Govt urged to reduce import duty on non-GMO maize

Backyard poultry farm: know which chicken is reared in this farm, livestockanimalnews

CII to Govt: Permit GM maize import to meet increasing poultry feed demand

CII asks govt to aid policy for poultry feed.